Our week via Instagram

 A night in with Mia. 
A day out with Mia
Ipad fun with Uncle Scott 
Waffle dog modeling some bling
 Mondays suck..late to work again
Scott busted for using too much bubble bath 
Hair dye trial #1
Static hair problems.. 

Car shopping
Mmm fresh Florida oranges 
Rain=flat hair... 
Making the right choice!

Follow me on Instagram at 

How was your week?! 
Anything exciting happen?!

P.S. just signed up for 
MyfitnessPal too! 
find me at 
Lovin this site! 
Thanks Ashley ;) 


  1. Love the hair color. I want a new car too. HAHAHA - happy weekend.

  2. There is no such thing as "Too Much" bubble bath!! Love the pics. You always make me smile :)

  3. The bubble bath picture made me laugh so hard!

  4. I love that hair color! Your weekends always seem like so much fun! :)

  5. I've heard great things about My Fitness Pal! I love the pics and i agree that there's no such thing as too much bubble bath :)

    Looks like you had a great week!

  6. Such a fun post!! Love your new hair!! So funny - the pic of Scott taking a bubble bath!
    glad to see you're doing well and having a great week! Enjoy your weekend, pretty lady! Xoxox

  7. What a creative way to post. I like it! I'm loving your hair color, you're such a babe! I think I laughed for 10minutes at the picture of Scott in the bathtub hahaha! What a random fun week you had. But I agree, Mondays suck.

  8. Cute hair color :)

    I love fitness pal, it helps me a lot!!


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