Eighteen Months!

So two days ago I am having a convo 
with my mom and I'm like 
Hey! lets all go to Hawaii for my 30th...
which in my head isn't for 2 years...
later that day I am talking to my aunt 
and I'm like save your money 
we are all going on a trip for my 30th!
when all the sudden it dawns on me...
I will be 30! in 18 months!!!!!!!!!!!
3 0 
T H I R T Y!
In 1 8 months!!
How is the hell is this possible! 
I have so much to do in 18 months it's not even funny!!

So here is my 30 before 30 rough draft! 
(which is subject to change since I do still have 18 months) 
1. Have a baby (Babies) 
2. Become a Millionaire  more successful
3. Zip Line in the tropics (or at the creek by my house "back up plan if #2 falls through") 
4. Ride in a hot air balloon with out needing a sedative first 
5. Travel over seas to anywhere that I can afford 
6. Ride a camel 
7. Perfect my cartwheel 
8. wear a bikini (which might not work if #1 ever happens) 
9. Visit Colorado again (I miss that place) 
10. Plant a garden (& actually eat from it!)
11. Buy and raise chickens
12. Teach myself how to sew
13. Build a bar in my house (You know where you actually have liquor in the bottles at all times) 
14. Get certified in CPR 
15. Do a ride along with a cop (I've secretly always wanted to be a cop!) 
16. Give a public speech with out freaking out
17. Get an award or nominated as a "Top Women in business to follow" from WIBN
18. Brush up on my Yoga skills
19. Train to be a Ninja! (Don't ask, just know I've watched too much Nikita) 
20. Build something with wood and nails
 (I failed shop class in school because I refused to remove my jewelry) 
21. Spend a night with my husband under the stars
22. Ride a segway around Cincinnati 
23. Adopt / rescue  a dog 
24. Get my fangs rounded teeth filed
25. Wear more sunscreen and less oil
26. Get my boobs reduced and lifted (only when and if #1 happens) 
27. Run a half marathon (or maybe just a 10k with out stopping) 
28. Visit Alaska
29. Start a youtube channel and film our everyday life
30. Be less judgmental  


  1. great list!! I dont think I have time to do all my 30 before 30 since B day is in July, and we will be moving cross country...BUT maybe I can cross off a few...;)


  2. Exciting list! The good news is that there IS life after 30. You know, in case you don't get everything crossed off :-)

  3. 30 is awesome!! And I'm totally being on the babies part. I though I'd never have babies by 30 and they came a few months before the big 30.

  4. Whew! I hope you accomplish it all! ESPECIALLY #1!

  5. I am turning 30 soon too and let me tell you that terrifies me! I LOVE your goal list and more than anything I hope your number one dream comes true! LOVE YA!!!!

  6. 30 is when my life really started. I'm 34 now, and they've been the best years of my life!


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